ESG/SRI Demand
ESG/SRI Demand
ESG/SRI Demand
ESG/SRI Demand
Evolution of Socially Responsible Investing
As socially responsible investing has become more popular, the industry has matured. ESG data has become more diverse and robust, ESG data has moved from a screening technique to an alpha source, and portfolio construction techniques have become more sophisticated. Concinnity believes it is at the cutting edge of this evolution. See the flow chart below to follow the evolution of SRI techniques.
Eliminate individual stocks from a portfolio because of bad behavior or cause
Examples: Exxon Mobil (Valdez accident), Phillip Morris (selling cigarettes), Nike (child labor)
Negative Screens
Eliminate entire industries because of behavior or cause
Examples: no tobacco companies, no coal companies, no gun companies
Negative Factors
Rank all companies by a negative factor, then avoid the worst companies
Examples: highest carbon footprint, highest governance risk
Alpha Factors
Use ESG factors and scores as an alpha source in portfolio construction
Examples: MSCI, TruCost, Sustainalytics, RobecoSam
Industry Specific Materiality
Use ESG factors weighed differently in each industry based on materiality
Examples: Governance scores are more material in Banks,
Environmental scores are more material in Energy/Materials
Concinnity Process
Concinnity creates proprietary ESG scores grouped by stakeholder categories
Scores for each stakeholder category are weighted differently per industry
A valuation overlay is applied using standard financial metrics
Final portfolio is risk balanced to eliminate potential sector, size, and style bias