ESG/SRI Demand
ESG/SRI Demand
ESG/SRI Demand
ESG/SRI Demand
In The News
Concinnity Advisors, LP licenses its indices to ETF providers, such as the Global X Conscious Companies ETF (KRMA). For more information about Global X's funds, please follow this link
Global X ETFs, including KRMA, are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by Concinnity, nor does Concinnity make any representations regarding the advisability of investing in the Global X Funds.
"ETF Analysis: Global X Conscious Companies ETF" - Callum Turcan, Valuentum ESG Newsletter (pages 6&7), January, 2022
We are highlighting the KRMA ETF as a way to gain diversified exposure to companies that adhere to sustainable business practices.
"This ETF takes a ‘conscious capitalism’ approach " - Andrea Riquier, Market Watch, September 30th, 2019
KRMA rewards accountability to multiple stakeholders, and perhaps we can all shine on.
KRMA ranked by Morningstar, July 11th, 2019
Global X Conscious Companies ETF (KRMA) Quote | Morningstar
KRMA, launched by Global X in partnership with Concinnity Advisors, LP, hits its 3-year anniversary, and is ranked by Morningstar.
"Global X adds 20 commission-free ETFs to Ameritrade ETF Market" - Liz Kiesche, Seeking Alpha, June 6th, 2019
Global X ETFs adds 20 ETFs to the TD Ameritrade ETF Market Center commission-free menu, effective June 1, 2019.
"Good 'KRMA' Pays Off for One ETF" - Liz Kiesche, Bloomberg, December 12th, 2018
Bloomberg video regarding Global X's KRMA ETF.
"Socially Responsible ETFs May Focus on More Than You Thought" - Matt Thalman,, May 21st, 2019
One ETF for someone looking for a fund that follows stricter ESG principles is the Global X Conscious Companies ETF (KRMA).
"ESG Funds: Impact and Alpha" - Brad Zigler, Wealth Management, June 5th, 2018
These ETFs show that an adherence to companies with high-ranking environmental, social and governance scores produce more reliable earnings and can outperform the market.
"Good Karma: Global X Adds Another Thematic ESG ETF" - Benzinga, Yahoo! FInance, July 13th, 2016
Adding to what is becoming a rapidly growing lineup of thematic exchange-traded funds, several of which adhere to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) principles, Global X introduced the Global X Conscious Companies ETF (NASDAQ: KRMA) on Wednesday.